A High-Speed Data Ingestion Solution in Java Using MQTT, AMQP, and STOMP Featured

Friday, June 2 15:45 - 16:30
Težavnost: Basic
Dvorana: D
Področje: Architecture

Many solutions face challenges when streaming data from thousands of data sources. Smart cities operating IoT networks with sensors such as temperature, pressure, and flow meters are great examples of applications with devices that generate a massive amount of data in the scope of Microservices solutions supporting our cities nowadays.

ActiveMQ is a Java-based open-source message broker that supports REST API and wire-level protocols, such as MQTT, AMQP, and STOMP.

In this talk, we'll create a Java application with examples for each protocol. Then we'll use a public dataset, and ActiveMQ will support Message Oriented Middleware (MOM) to communicate between components and Reactive Streams Ingestion (RSI) to inject the data into a database efficiently, non-blocking way.

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Juarez Barbosa Junior